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How can LightJar help me organize my Saved Media?

Use the COLLECTIONS feature in LightJar to help you organize your saved media items.

A Collection is a grouping of similar digital media items based upon a common theme.  Subscribers can create Collections for grouping items based upon an event, a project, a person, a date, a place, an order, an institution, and so on.   Once a media item is uploaded into LightJar, it can be assigned to multiple Collections.  

To create a new Collection, click on the blue button 'New Collection' above the media items on the My Media home page.   A pop-up modal window opens, labeled 'Create a new collection'.   Fill in the information for the title of your Collection, the date, the place it happened, and description, and then click 'Save'.   The new Collection is now listed in the 'Search Collections' drop-down menu, and the newest collections are always listed last.   To find the Collection again the future, begin entering the title in the 'Search Collections' box and it will be displayed along with other similarly titled Collections, and the by the time you have finished entering the full title, the searched for Collection will be the only one listed.

There are multiple ways to place items into a newly created Collection.

1.  Upload items into a Collection  (hint - when uploading an item for the first time into LightJar, especially if you have multiple items to upload, it is best to first create a New Collection, and then upload the new items into this Collection, even if the Collection is only given the temporary title of today' date.  Finding these items again will be easier when you use the Search Collections feature.)

2.  Click the "+" icon on a media thumbnail image to assign a media item to a Collection.  Pick the Collection that you wish to place your media item into, and then click Add.

3.  Click the check-box of multiple media items and then use the With Selected feature to assign these multiple items to a Collection.

4.  Edit a media item and assign it to a Collection (an existing one or one that you newly create).

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