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Completed & Active Features from Subscriber Suggestions

  • Share media items and collections with other LightJar subscribers, by transferring copies of collections and items directly to the recipient's LightJar account  DONE

  • Make it so that any type video uploaded into LightJar can be viewed and played from any browser, by any device.  LightJar is using the Elastic Transcoding Feature of AWS to produce a proxy MP4 copy of the videos, that can be played by any browser.  DONE

  • When editing the title, date, place, and description of a media item (video, photo, audio recording, etc.), please also show the original file name.   DONE

  • Show the file size, in addition to the date and title, for the thumbnails on the My Media and Collection pages   DONE - rather than GRID view, click on LIST view for display of file sizes.

  • In addition to the current GRID view of thumbnails on the My Media and Collections' pages, also provide a LIST view.   DONE
  • Create a Collections page that shows a representative thumbnail for each LightJar Collection, along with its corresponding Collection title.   DONE
  • When looking at a detailed view of a media item, users should be able to browse or swipe through items in a collection, rather than having to first go back to the My Media or Collection pages.  There should be the ability to do a slideshow of all items in a collection.  DONE
  • A quicker way to select multiple items, rather than one at a time.  DONE
  • On the Shared tab, please include the recipients' email addresses, in addition to the shared links.  DONE

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